Features Overview
Montessori Students Donate to Clifton Library Branch
Students of HeartSong Montessori in Grand Junction recently gave $327 to the Clifton Branch Capital Campaign that’s being conducted by the Mesa County Libraries Foundation.
The school raised the money through a read-a-thon to benefit early childhood literacy and decided to support the Clifton Branch Project because of the branch’s strong focus on kids. “We thought it was a great way to grow access to books and reading for kids locally,” said Meghan Kimmel, a board member for the school.
COLORADOEPIC Projects of Promise Participant
Our happy hour event with Mesa County community leaders was a great success! We had some wonderful conversations about local child care needs and solutions, as well as an early celebration of the groundbreaking for Community Hospital’s new early childhood care and education center. Thank you to our speakers Stephanie Bivins with The Partnership for Families & Children, EPIC Member Tawny Espinoza with Colorado West Healthcare System, dba Community Hospital and Dr. Chelsie Hess of HeartSong Montessori. Thank you again to Colorado Mesa University for hosting!
Colorado Circle Grant Recipient
HeartSong is a recipient of the Colorado Circle Grant 2022-2023.
Buell Foundation Grant recipient
HeartSong is a recipient of the Buell Foundation 2022-2023.